These terms and conditions apply to the services of DivorceHotel by A2 Legal BV and DivorceHotel International BV. DivorceHotel Mediators can apply their own terms and conditions.
DivorceHotel is an international divorce concept. All the rights pertaining to DivorceHotel are the sole ownership of A2 Legal BV.
DivorceHotel is run at the expense and risk of DivorceHotel International BV. A2 Legal BV accepts no liability whatsoever for the operation of DivorceHotel.
DivorceHotel International BV only exploit the concept DivorceHotel and does not in itself provide services in the framework of divorce to private persons, such services are only provided by DivorceHotel Mediators who are registered with DivorceHotel.
DivorceHotel Mediators operate in accordance with the DivorceHotel philosophy, working procedures and rules of conduct, but work fully independently and at their own risk during DivorceHotel mediation procedures. Therefore, the responsibility and liability lie with the DivorceHotel Mediator to the full extent. DivorceHotel, A2 Legal BV and DivorceHotel International BV accept no liability whatsoever for the operation of DivorceHotel Mediators. In the event that a DivorceHotel Mediator fails to comply, or else fails to sufficiently comply with this, you may lodge a complaint relevant thereto, at DivorceHotel. DivorceHotel shall deal with and settle this complaint in accordance with the prevalent complaints procedure. DivorceHotel grants no further warranties. DivorceHotel Mediators may, at their own expense and risk, grant further warranties.
DivorceHotel, A2 Legal BV and DivorceHotel International BV bear no responsibility or liability for this whatsoever. Assignments to A2 Legal BV and/or DivorceHotel International BV shall result in best efforts obligations and never in obligations to achieve a result, nor shall they have a strict deadline, unless explicitly agreed upon otherwise in writing.
The liability of DivorceHotel, A2 Legal BV and DivorceHotel International BV shall be limited to an amount not exceeding € 25,000.-. All rights of action and any other authorities, which may be invoked against DivorceHotel, A2 Legal BV or DivorceHotel International BV shall lapse, in any case within one year following the moment whereupon the relevant party became aware, or reasonably could have become aware of the existence of these rights and authorities.
All services provided by DivorceHotel, A2 Legal BV, DivorceHotel International BV shall solely be governed by Dutch law. The Dutch courts have sole jurisdiction to hear any disputes that may arise.